+420 844 111 777 klient@crif.com

Important notices

Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you that we have noticed activities of some companies operating on the Czech market which provide their clients with misleading and false information about cooperation with the association CNCB – Czech Non-Banking Credit Bureau, z.s.p.o. (CNCB), which is the operator of the Non-Bank Client Information Register in the Czech Republic.

In view of the above, we hereby draw your attention to the following

The Non-Bank Client Information Register (NBCIR)

  • the CNCB manages and operates the NBCIR, through which non-banking entities inform each other about the creditworthiness, credibility and solvency of their clients – the list of non-banking entities participating in the NBCIR is set out in the NBCIR Information Memorandum, the current version of which is available from all participating non-banking entities and the CNCB;
  • the CNCB does not evaluate the information contained in the NBCIR database in any way, i.e. it does not decide whether or not to provide the requested funding to the relevant non-bank client – this decision is entirely at the discretion of the non-banks;
  • the CNCB provides the information contained in the Non-Bank Client Information Register database exclusively to users of the Non-Bank Client Information Register;
  • the range of other entities cooperating with the CNCB is determined by contract – the list of cooperating entities is set out in the Information Memorandum of the NBCIR – other entities do not cooperate with the NBCIR;
  • the Client Center provides an overview of the information processed from the NBCIR database also to you, as clients of these users.

In view of the above, we therefore recommend that you pay close attention to the information provided to you in this regard regarding the CNCB and the NBCIR when arranging and obtaining financing.

Finally, please note that CNCB cannot be held liable for any damage caused by the provision of misleading or false information regarding the NBCIR by entities with which it does not directly cooperate.

CNCB – Czech Non-Banking Credit Bureau, z.s.p.o.

Notification of NLTS Global Analytics activities

Dear Clients, We consider it important to inform you that the Client Information Bank Register (CIBR), the Non-Bank Client Information Register (NBCIR) and the SOLUS Association strongly dissociate themselves from the activities of NLTS Global Analytics s.r.o. and the...

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Notification of NLTS Global Analytics activities

Dear Clients, We consider it important to inform you that the Client Information Bank Register (CIBR), the Non-Bank Client Information Register (NBCIR) and the SOLUS Association strongly dissociate themselves from the activities of NLTS Global Analytics s.r.o. and the...

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